Isaac and the Red Jumper
Isaac and the Red Jumper is about a young boy who is bereaved, and who finds spiritual healing and comfort through friendship and love.
Isaac’s world is suddenly turned upside down when his best friend Freddie dies. Isaac’s favourite red jumper suddenly turns grey and the warmth in Isaac’s life soon fades away, leaving his life and his heart feeling cold. Although friends try to comfort Isaac nothing seems to help with his sense of loss and confusion, until he receives a surprise visit from smiling Freddie who is surrounded by a warm orange glow. After this special visit from his friend, Isaac’s jumper returns to red as warmth starts to fill Isaac’s life again.
The questions at the back of the book are designed to be read by an adult to a bereaved child so that the child can use play to start expressing their grief, and through this be able to develop creative strategies for coping and healing.
The book is currently used by parents, bereavement counsellors, psychologists, teachers and social workers.
Isaac and the Red Jumper is available for sale through Amazon at £6.67 and FREE delivery with Amazon Prime.
Illustrated by the talented artist, Ann Scott.
10% of all proceeds are being donated to Treetops Hopsice in Derbyshire.