Mindful Being: Towards Mindful Living Course (AoL Mindfulness Book 4)
Mindful Being towards Mindful Living. AoL #4, is a 12 module self-development course with 100s of Spiritual Transformation Tools that combine meditation, mindfulness exercises, soul’s diary, spiritual diary, relationship contracts, creativity exercises, left vs. right brain development tools, mindful eating exercises, and many other daily self-development transformation tools to help the reader live the highest potential. The Mindful Being Course help one look into the conscious and sub-conscious addictions, understand core beliefs, examine habits, enter the magic world of strengthening the willpower, and emotional patterns transforming various energies into inspiration, mindfulness, awareness, love.
If you wonder if the AoL Mindfulness is for you, the following questions might help you decide:
- – Do you know how to listen to your soul?
- – Would you like to maximize your potential using every-days tools that are easy and inspiring?
- – Do you want to learn mindfulness and how to use meditation to experience a higher level of happiness?
- – Do you want to further inspire your Creative Mind, allowing Creativity to become part of your Life Flow?
“Self-Development Journey is a most amazing Journey we will ever embark on. It never ends and it is always successful because an invisible driver (our soul) directs the Journey. Our commitment to grow as spiritual beings is always beautifully rewarded… Learning the art of Self-Development we learn about power of mind, consciousness, mindfulness, true love, and we become aware of a possibility to live life in harmony with ourselves, our neighbors, our relatives, our parents, animals, plants, and the planet Earth. Through the process of self-discovery, we learn mindfulness, and how to change our attitudes so that we are not ruled by instincts, habits and someone else beliefs.” Nataša Pantović, Mindful Being
Mindful Being quote by Nataša Pantović Learning the Art of Self Development
The subjects covered within the AoL Training are: Human Brain and Mind Powers, Meditation and Mindfulness, tools to increase Creative Thinking, ways to achieve Free Mind, Defining True Goals, Understanding True Dreams, the Ways to Listen to the Soul. The 12 modules course uses a variety of self-development tools from other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, neuroscience, to helping people identify and achieve personal goals. Through the use of spiritual and self-development tools, the researcher goal is to achieve good physical, mental and emotional health.
Mindful Being Quote by Nataša Pantović Our Mind is Constantly Busy
The main themes are:
Body & Self-Development
Mind & Self-Improvement
- * Practicing of Concentration and Meditation
- * Training Love, Compassion: Understanding the ability to connect with oneself and others
- * Creative Intelligence: Improving one’s capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, creativity and problem solving
- * Relationships: Examining love, relationships with a family, friendships,, etc.
Soul and Self-Growth
- * Purpose or Intention: Discover true goals and dreams, defining the purpose
- * Listening to Soul: Learning how to listen to Soul, and live within the Flow.
- * Oneness: Realization that we are all One
- * Spirituality: Becoming more mindful and living more consciously
Mindful Being Quote by Nataša Pantović About Mind Consciousness Awareness
Chapter Excerpts
Intro - Why Self Development
Self development is a way of Life. Our Self Development never ends. We are never too young or too old for personal growth.
We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships.
Unfortunately, often we walk through our lives asleep, we let our habits rule us, and find it difficult to change our beliefs. Recognizing the power of our Mind and the power of our Soul, learning the art of Concentration and Love, we are learning to Live with the Flow, not against it.
It is in our nature to learn and grow. For happiness we need to learn to Love, we need to learn to Concentrate and we should keep the flow and energy of inspiration within our lives.
Taking a commitment to grow, work on Self, spiritually develop, we take responsibility for our lives.
Learning the art of Self Development we learn about power of mind, consciousness, mindfulness, true love, and we become aware of the possibility to live life in harmony with ourselves, our family, neighbors, our relatives, our parents, animals, plants, and the planet Earth. Through a process of self-discovery, we will learn mindfulness, we will get in touch with conscious behavior and change our attitudes so that we are not ruled by instincts, habits and someone else’s beliefs.
Our Soul is the true driver of the chariot called our body and mind, and it is a source of an amazing inner knowing.
Page 3
The four elements within each one of us are: air, earth, fire, and water, four states of matter Life chooses to manifest on Earth: Jung describes them as four basic components of a personality: intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling.
In an attempt to deeper explore the infinite game of Life, together with you, we will explore:
Earth that is fixed, rigid, static and quiet, and symbolizes your world of senses;
Water that is the primordial Chaos, is fluidity and flexibility, and symbolizes your subconscious mind; Intuition is a deeper perception. Without clear evidence or proof, intuition perceives the subtle inner relationships and underlying processes creatively, and imaginatively.
Fire that is boundless and invisible, and is a parching heat that consumes all, or within its highest manifestation, becomes the expression of Divine Love. It is a symbol of your emotions, and
Air that has no shape and is incapable of any fixed form. It symbolizes your world of thoughts. It is a rational, systematic process, it is our intellectual comprehension of things.
All elements are bound by:
Soul that stands at the center of the four elements as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life.
Taoists with their concept of Yin and Yang, Yogis with their belief in two opposite energy forces that flow through our body (Ida and Pingala), Jung that arranges the four functions (intuition, thinking, emotions, sensation) into two pairs of opposites – sensations / intuition and thinking / feeling that form our personality.
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Quantum Physics and Consciousness
You must have heard of this fascinating, mind-blowing concept that when you examine the phenomena’s on a miniature scale, one gets a very different image of reality.
Quantum mechanics rule every single atom and tiny particle in every piece of matter.
Getting down to the tiniest of particles – things behave in a way that may appear weird to our logic. We all have a good intuition for a classical physics. The quantum mechanics go beyond our ordinary experiences.
In the world of the very very small, states may ‘collapse’ randomly, things could be in two places at the same time & particles can literally go through brick walls.
The search for knowledge, is within the drive behind some of the greatest minds of our time.
Einstein said, “I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details”.
In his letter to Mr Gutkind, he expresses his view about “God”:
“The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstition…”
He also says:
“I’m not an atheist, and I don’t think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations.”
He wished to know Gods thoughts in a mathematical way, the beauty, the majesty of Universe, trying to find the secrets of Space, Universe, Life.
Philosophy Mother of all Sciences Applied or Goodness
In our search for God or Good-ness, consciousness, enlightenment, Bliss, throughout human history, we came across the Mother of them all – the mystical, magical, occult, scientific Philosophy.
Philosophy was known as the Mother of all Sciences.
It was at the very top of the scientific hierarchy. You may not practice it unless you have achieved enough knowledge and experience so you can call your-self Wise. Back to quantum physics, this is where a modern scientist’s mathematical quest for the Unity of Knowledge opens its door to the evolution of consciousness, mysticism of ancient wisdom, and beauty of intuitive knowledge.
“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.” – Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907
Nikola Tesla also said: “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Philosophy around the World
How many times have you heard a quote of a famous ancient philosopher contributed to a contemporary political figure? A quote of a saint, being used within a contemporary power machine? Too many…
Because our souls are embodied within this space and time; and our memory short, we tend to forget how many generations embodied this fight for goodness within our beautiful planet Gaia.
Since there are humans there has always been “us” and “them”, so the “them” only recently became visible to our eyes. To all our surprises, this “them” that we learned to hate for so many generations, had their-own advanced civilization where mathematics came from (from the Arab world), where science was regarded as the highest of all human achievements (Africa, India and China), where Laws existed before we decided to conquer them.
As it usually is with the Lady Knowledge, you get both charlatans and wise-men trying to claim it. But who would know the difference when we for 1,000s of years lived within the worlds that know nothing but tales of each other.
We all love the highest manifestation of human potential – the scientists, philosophers, the top musicians and top sportsmen, we give them our support and sincerely hope that our kids will follow their suit.
Back in time, 2,000 years ago, our inner worlds did not look much different and Kings knew that they are going to be remembered only if the Philosophers acknowledge their divinity so they supported each other.
Back in time, 2,000 years ago, if a person is a Philosopher, the doors of many courts were wide open. But since the travel through space was limited, the gossip, or words of the Goodness had to travel from city to city, carried by messengers whose memory was not always that reliable. So, as in any marketing / money making machine to build the trust, the relationship and the communication took sometimes many generations. It is easy to sell the books if you are Shakespeare or Shankar, so people started publishing books under their names.
We are collectively weary of strangers, because there is no family we can relate to that supported their drive for Goodness. A collection of writings of people travelling to India 2,000 years ago carried sometimes strange stories of our deepest Superstitions –
“Then,” he says, “I came to a country very dry and burnt up by the sun. And all about this desert I saw men naked and houseless, and of these some shaded their faces with their ears and the rest of their bodies with their feet raised in the air. Of these men Strabo has a notice, as also of the no-heads and ten-heads and four-hands-and-feet men, but none of them did I ever see, quoth Hierocles.
Within the same writings, we will also find some very valuable stories written 2,000 years ago, we get some interesting meditations about philosophers and their way of life.
“Apollonius therefore asked, as though it was of all knowledge the most difficult, “Whether the Sophoi knew themselves?” But larchas answered quite contrary to his expectation, that they knew all things, because they first knew themselves. That, without this first and elementary knowledge, no one could be admitted to their philosophy.”
“What opinion they held of themselves?” and was told, “that they held themselves to be gods, because they were good men.”
“Here, on the other hand, philosophy is a high honor, and before we allow anyone to study it, we first send him to the home of the Brahmans, who inquire into his character and parentage. He must shew that his progenitors, for three generations, have been without stain or reproach, and that he himself is of pure morals and of a retentive intellect. For when an Indian died, a legally appointed officer repaired to his house, and inquired into, and set down in writing, his mode of life.”
“the characteristics of a free people, or at least of a people living under known laws. They are industrious, persevering, intelligent, orderly, provident… There the villages and cottages are neat and clean, and the gardens and fields enclosed by carefully made and well-trimmed fences; there to ensure the irrigation and fertility of the land each village built out in the open has its tank, each farmhouse its well, the work of its owner’s hands or his predecessor’s; there you everywhere meet with something that tells of municipal care or individual exertion, but with nothing that is the work of an imperial will aided by imperial resources”
Quotes from Indian Travels
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Quantum Physics Applied to Philosophy to Understand Divine Will Manifested
Quantum Physics Applied to Philosophy to Understand Divine Will Manifested
My definition of this subject would be.
If your mind is not capable of understanding the laws of Quantum Physics (the random logic of the wave behavior and the behavior of the observed particles) and laws of Philosophy (positive charge of a virtuoso soul = free man) and the magic of Taoism (yin and yang behavior of Consciousness) you will have difficulties understanding one of the major laws of Divine Manifestation for the benefit of All – the random probability of your first intuitive thought (applied Quantum Physics) within the Purity of your intention will materialize as Clear Ratio supported with Intuitive Wisdom (that was through centuries known as Divine Will).
Following the rules of Quantum Physics and the wave behavior probability law, a scientist could even calculate the relationship between the random thoughts and Truth in relation to the Yin / Yang nature of the Thinker. In theory, a Philosopher with Pure Mind (Thinking and Feeling combined), will have all his Intuitive thoughts “checked” as Divine.
Isn’t that amazing!
Yin and Yang Manifestation of Consciousness (within Taoism) or Mind and Intuition (within Western Thought) or Tamasic and Satvic State of Being (within Hinduism)
Many pure men will jump to follow a leader whose drive has this quality of the manifestation of Clear Ratio supported with Intuitive Wisdom (Divine Will) for the benefit of All. However they forget that this quality is extremely difficult to maintain.
There are a number of reasons for it:
- Yin and Yang Consciousness balance within the Leader constantly changes;
- Yin and Yang Consciousness balance of the Observer resonates differently to the Leader at all times because each of us has a different combination or % of positive and negative application of Reason vs Wisdom within. One at all times strives to become a Free Thinker;
- In its essence wave particles (Conscious vs. Unconscious Behavior of a Soul) are of a Random nature and they can change if measured or observed.
A young man (age 17) driving a motor-bike, just killed a policeman in Malta, trying to escape when asked to show his non-existent documents. Mind you today was a day of “chaos” in Malta – a simple but powerful traffic chaos that caused a chain reaction of many angry drivers everywhere (so Yin and Yang balance within the atmosphere was already distorted). The young man was scared, stupid, un-experienced, too young. He acted upon his negative instinct and caused the death of the policeman. What a sad and deeply disturbing story! He acted totally opposite to Clear Ration applied with Intuitive Wisdom (Divine Will).
We all have to be careful if our icons are young and still need to learn the logic within the world of “ratio”. Is there a way anyone can materialize Divine Will if not supported by knowledge and experience that are given by age and mature wisdom? For all the Life Followers that now wonder – what would the example of Joanne of Arc teach us? Yes, this would mean that Joanne of Arc even though we all love her story, could not possibly have the wisdom and strength to lead her men into the war.
The power of youth is seductive and can be mistaken for Divine purity (or in her case abused by Authority / Powers as real) however purity needs an inner strength and wisdom to follow Divine. The inner strength and wisdom can be achieved only slooooowly. There are no short-cuts on the way of achievement of wisdom, on the way to enlightenment.
A powerful Philosophical example of mistreating the Cosmic Logic was when a “pure man” followed a so called angel to kill his son in the forest. If you are a Jew, a Muslim or a Christian, you must have heard of this story from the Old Testament. This act could have only been a test of purity of this man, for no Gods would have ever ordered you to kill your-own son or an innocent human being. As when the temptation of Christ came along after he fasted for 40 days and nights in a desert, he has intuitively (following Divine Will) decided not to tempt the Lord bowing to the essence of egoism making a spectacular throw of might. In Matthew and Luke “the tempter” tempts Jesus to 1. make bread out of stones to relieve his own hunger; 2. jump from a pinnacle and rely on angels to break his fall.
Now, discussing the Yin and Yang Manifestation of Consciousness, or Hindu Philosophers will tell you Rajas, Tamas and Satvic Balance within each one of us, one ought to respect the wisdom law that no state is static and that no amounts of magic and mystical protection (prayer) can protect pure men from the distortive attraction of Power, that within the particles world “+” attracts “-“ to that extend that Consciousness will get completely distorted with Power of any sort. That is why we have all greatly suffered following our Kings, Popes and Priests in the past. We had a random possibility of 50% chance to have a positive or negative application of their Ratio vs. Wisdom Force. That is not very high!
So when pure men have decided to follow a number of Popes mistreating the law of Logic – Do Not Kill – following Popes-own expression of what they called “Divine Will” there was no “sanity checks” to stop them from breaking Laws, and they followed the Inquisitors killing millions of non-believers, and went into the wars with women killing at least a million of innocent mothers and daughters within the witch hunting craze that followed.
More recently, just less than 100 years ago, forgetting the Laws of Logic, they followed Hitler within his attempts to create a better world killing millions and millions of men, women and kids. When these “Good Men” scared of unknown entered America at the time of Colombo, before they massacred American Indians with their fire-guns, they must have been just the ordinary settlers, with their families immigrating slowly, boat by boat, convinced that they can co-exist with natives, but being too terrified to do so. During the very same time they went into Africa and enslaved the whole villages of free men – wives, kids, husbands – to work as slaves for them…
These were horrible times when slavery was accepted as a possibility. These were horrible times where reason accepted that there are superior and inferior human beings within Gaia. Just for a moment – picture that scene. In Australia, they were known as “Bed Men”, they were convicts, murderers and thieves sent specially to Australia because the Government did not know what to do with them. The end result was the same – the extinction of the Native Population based on the thought of superiority of the settlers. How sad and deeply disturbing are the stories of manipulation of goodness within people!
This same superiority vs. inferiority thought came to our brothers and sisters in India in the form of Karma superstitions. Developing a positive manifestation of Yang, they called it a Satvic behavior they have divided the humans into groups of Castas. Wikipedia defines Castas within the Spanish rule as following:
“A casta (Spanish: [ˈkasta], Portuguese: [ˈkastɐ, ˈkaʃtɐ]) was a term to describe mixed-race individuals in Spanish America, resulting from unions of European whites (españoles), Amerinds (indios), and Africans (negros). Racial categories had legal and social consequences, since racial status was an organizing principle of Spanish colonial rule. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, European elites created a complex hierarchical system of race classification. The sistema de castas or the sociedad de castas was used in the 17th and 18th century in Spanish America and Spanish Philippines to describe as a whole and formally socially rank the mixed-race people who were born during the post-Conquest period.…”
Wikipedia gives us an insight of Castas within India.
“Varna literally means type, order, colour or class and was a framework for grouping people into classes, first used in Vedic Indian society. It is referred to frequently in the ancient Indian texts. The four classes were the Brahmins (priestly people), the Kshatriyas (also called Rajanyas, who were rulers, administrators and warriors), the Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen and farmers), and Shudras (laboring classes). The varna categorisation implicitly had a fifth element, being those people deemed to be entirely outside its scope, such as tribal people and the untouchables.”
I am sure that any Indian “Free Man or Woman” would agree with me that Castas were deeply painful for the society because they were based on the belief of reincarnation and karma. If you are born within a particular family of “untouchables” that was your karmic debt to the society, you will suffer all your life for it, have no right to be educated, have no right to have a decent job, have no right to be treated as a human being.
Going back to our wonderful collection of Ancient writings I mentioned earlier, from Mother India and Mother Greece let’s just try to understand these words written 2,000 years ago:
“For a man to be known as a Good man, across the countries, he needed to be a philosopher.”
“What advantage he derived from not being a philosopher?” “This, that I possess all virtue and am one with the sun,” answered the king. Apollonius: “You would not think thus if you were a philosopher.” The king: “Well friend as you are a philosopher, tell us what you think of yourself.” Apollonius: “That I am a good man so long as I am a philosopher.”
The above one is for all the special souls who believe that being “one with the sun”, can possibly give them a “short-cut” and the advantages of Divine Thought. The following is a beautiful meditation about laws of nature for all the ones who wish to learn something from it.
“The conversation now began; and larchas discoursed on the world: how it is composed of five elements – water, fire, air, earth, and aether and how they are all co-ordinate, but that from aether the Gods, from air mortals, are generated; how moreover the world is an animal and hermaphrodite; and how as hermaphrodite it reproduces by itself and of itself all creatures; and how as intelligent it provides for their wants…”
Published by Artof4Elements