Sex, Lies and the Bible
Examines the what, who and why of the alterations of Scriptures creating controls on human sexual behavior when the first “Bible” was initially created in about 408 CE; it also examines the man-made intentional alterations, to subsequent Bible editions and publications, for the express purpose of controlling human sexual activity. This book is not an attack upon Scriptures nor the precepts of Christianity, but rather it challenges those man-made alterations that have condemned masturbation, incest, prostitution, adultery, homosexuality and bestiality. Some of these condemnations were created and added to Bibles within the last few years by “controllers,” but passed off as though God or Christ uttered those condemnations in the original Scriptures. There has never before been written a book such as this one, for it is plain talk about how these “controllers” are doing everything they can, including flat-out-lying so they can control us by controlling our sexual behavior.
Chapter Excerpts
I promise you have never before read anything like this book. Perhaps parts of some books you have read will come close, but none contain all of the truths to be found here. As a reader you have a right to know what you are getting into; what you will learn. In short you will learn how, why, and by whom the Bible has been twisted, turned, and distorted, but most importantly, you will learn the bold truths about our sexuality as human beings. The truths some never want us to know, for truth is freedom.
It does not matter if you are a creationist (as I am) or an evolutionist, for the end result is the same. We are what we are. Regardless of whether or not we believe it, or whether or not we are told otherwise, our true sexuality always was and always will be. It matters not if one is a religious person who is being controlled from the pulpit, or an atheist being controlled by the environmental input of those who are constantly attacking our sexuality, for the truths in this book apply to all of the human beings who have ever lived or who will ever live.
What is important is that we Christians recognize we are being controlled. That we learn how and why we are being controlled by those who create our fears, demand our denials and then manipulate us by using those fears and denials against us. Whether they are priests, ministers, writers, reporters, bureaucrats or human experience experts with Ph.D.s attached to their names, I call them all “controllers,” and you will read much about what they have done, and are doing, to us.
It must be clearly understood that this work was not written as a defense of any alleged perversion, nor is it an attack on Christianity. Rather, it is an unbridled attack on those who have twisted the Old and New Testaments to their own misguided, fear-driven purposes in the name of Christian morality. Those whom I call “controllers.” It is my desire to bring Christians back to Christ, to re-introduce Christians to the “pure” teachings of Christ that are in the Bible, and to prove beyond all doubt that Christ wanted us to enjoy our sexuality to its fullest possible extent.
On page two hundred of The Lover’s Guide Encyclopedia there is a passage which, in part, states, “Some 5,000 years ago, disciplining sexual relationships was one of the most fundamental and reliable ways of disciplining people . . . [and that when] the Hebrews needed to increase their numbers . . . they banned all forms of unproductive sex.” This quote is the bottom line of the sexual fear, denial and repression experienced in America today, and in much of the world for that matter. Later in this book we will explore why the Hebrews “banned all forms of unproductive sex,” but for now what is of primary importance is what this quote also tells us: For thousands of years, and millions of people the world over, there were many forms of sexual activity that were considered natural and normal, and were accepted by everyone, yet they in no way related to reproduction!
The Hebrew [i.e., Mosaic Law] ban on unproductive sex has been carried down through the ages so that today many religions teach, and the controllers preach, that bestiality, homosexuality, and incest are unnatural, that prostitution and masturbation are morally repugnant, and that sex out-of-wedlock is a sin. The controllers’ “truths” have been hammered into us so hard and driven into us so thoroughly that most people who believe themselves to be morally upstanding, fully accept them literally without question. Good people everywhere live their lives according to what they have been taught to believe by controllers who have done their thinking for them. It is time to take back our minds and to begin thinking, to begin questioning.
As answers to my questions were learned, I discussed these answers . . . truths . . . with dozens of psychiatrists, family counselors, psychologists, medical doctors, ministers and priests. Since these truths did not all arrive in my head at the same time, they were individually thought through, analyzed, and discussed in great depth and detail as they came to me. Without exception, the person or persons each truth was discussed with, whether priest or psychiatrist, agreed with it. Some offered minor adjustments, but in principal sum what you are about to read has been confirmed to me as the truth of our sexuality.
This book is not meant to be a hard-to-read scholarly work, brimming with footnotes or debates over the Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic meaning of some word, for I believe that the average citizen, like myself, couldn’t care less. What we are concerned with, however, is how what we are told about the Bible, and what we read in the Bible, affects and guides our daily lives. No more and no less. Consequently, this book of truths is uncomplicated plain talk about everyday living, both thousands of years ago and today. Just simple communication with every person willing to think, in the hopes that all people everywhere will understand our human sexuality. Also, so that all mankind will know and believe that it is not only all right, but actually a God-given drive, or a naturally-developed drive if you prefer, to enjoy the pleasures of our sexuality . . . for we are all sexual human beings.
According to Michael Riskin, a family counselor with a Ph.D. in psychology, some of the truths you will read are, “America’s best kept secret.” I was stunned when I heard this, so naturally I asked why didn’t the academics who know the truths go public with them? Why were they letting the people suffer under the lies? His answer was incredible, and yet, I believe, quite true. He said: “Americans have given up so much of themselves to religious rhetoric that has been twisted with lies, that they can’t handle the truth — there is too much fear and denial.” I was utterly shocked!
The truth of our sexuality is being hidden from us by those psychiatrists, psychologists, and others who know the truth, because we have allowed the controllers to blind us with their webs of lies and hatred in the name of religious morality. The thought is almost inconceivable, yet when looked at in the cold, harsh reality of daylight, the truth is there as we shall see.
Let us join together in breaking these chains of mental bondage, which cause so much anguish and pain, and forever dispel the controllers’ lies. All that is required, all that is needed to put an end to the control others have over your personal sexuality, is for you, dear reader, to use the most precious gift you possess: Your mind. And THINK!
Join me now on a trip you will find almost impossible to believe and certainly difficult, at best, to accept. Yet, instead of outright denying and casting aside the truths you read, if you will think them through as I did, you will arrive at that place in your mind where you will understand what it truly means to be both a Christian, and free as Christ wished us to be. For once the lies of the controllers are shown for the smoke and illusions they are, the controllers will have lost, and you, for the very first time in your life, will truly know and be able to thoroughly enjoy the pleasures of your human sexuality as God intended you to.
Let us now begin our journey, first by your willingness to open your mind and to think, and second by turning the page. If right now you feel you must set aside this book, please, before you do, ask yourself: “Why? Of what am I afraid?” At this very instant you have literally at your fingertips the truths that will enable you to fully understand and enjoy your sexuality in all of its complex completeness. Truths that, if you will let them, can be the first step toward ending the uncertainty, torment, and suffering you may now be feeling. Truths that will bring you back to the Lord, Jesus Christ of the Gospels, not the “Christ” seen through the eyes of controllers who quote everyone from Moses to St. Paul, but very rarely quote Christ, in their efforts to control our sexual activity.
The fight for truth is always difficult, so instead of setting aside this book, lay aside your fears and denials for the time being, and turn the page to the truths of your sexuality. Don’t be afraid, for as Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.”