Book Review: The Simple Road to Riches by Anna Fani
Reviewed By Barbara Ann Cerda
This is a brilliant how-to publication. There is a lifetime of experience and work crammed into a small book with an economy of words…I like that. What stands out for me is the conversational style of writing – the author is sharing her passage. Explanations of the whys and wherefores in years of research and its results flow well. This book is well thought out and held more than few surprises.
I always want to know the why, what, and how in the clearest of terms when reading books of this genre.
This is not a financial treatise in how to utilize investment strategies leading on paths to get rich quickly. Although there are a few aggressive trade ideas, I found genius. There’s nothing in this reading, nada, in which any seeker of a debt free life cannot take full advantage. With well-allocated time and energy, every suggestion can reap rewards. The real gems hidden in this writing is how the author used creativity in finding financial solutions in the journey to solvency.
This is a telling of how even a small investment in time can reap monetary rewards. The only caveat to attaining success is in following the writer recipe of blending discipline and focus. Dedication is the prime mover to achieving the purpose of becoming debt free. The author has made this path to success a possibility for anyone.
Even the most seasoned of online veterans will find more than a few surprising financial solutions. From arts and craft makings to the sophistication of flipping web domains this book will astonish and will be a keeper for future reference.
This book is highly suggested and a good read. This is a good informative treatise and one that will remain on my bookshelf for future reference.
Genre: Self Help
I rate it 4 stars
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